Apiaceae: Petroselinum crispum (parsley)

20180204 O flat #2 flat 201802 Curly parsley and some flat seem to be surviving the winter 20170529 Seed starting activities - Italian/flat in a flat 20170520 survived: parsley & 3 sage in window box w mint 2017042x planted triple curled Livingston se...

Brassicaceae: Brassica spp

See also Brassicaceae: References, Brassicaceae: Brassica oleracea (cabbage, collards, kale) 20180325 finished off the packet 20171224 DD gift seeds Seed Savers Exchange, Brassicaceae: Brassica spp, Asian greens Prize Choy, —/250 seeds, 45-50 days, ...

Rutaceae: Poncirus trifoliata (bitter orange)

NCNPS is unable to certify your site as a native plant habitat if you are actively cultivating any Category 1 or 2 invasive plants, as listed by the NCNPS ( Invasive Plant List).Rank 2 - Significant Threat 8( Exotic plant species that display some inva...

Apiaceae: Daucus carota subsp. sativus (carrot)

20180120 Open Pollinated Carrots thread 20170709 Still have lots of carrots, small & tiny. Probably due to the clay. Will try mixing in the straw this fall. They haven’t bolted, at least. 20170708 Southern Exposure order (csv)http://www.southernexposu...