Amaranthaceae-Gomphrenoideae: Gomphrena globosa

20170715-16 : freebie in yellow orange tones from CFH planted in N border of garden 20170422: Mined the old garden plot for soil &, in the Septic Planting (meadow), put over ridges of leaf litter & sticks. Planted most of the meadow flowers in beds th...

Cucurbitaceae: Cucumis sativus (cucumber)

20180202 Southern Exposure 201712 Sow True Seeds "Climate Controlled Seed Storage Facility" - Mexican Sour Gerhkin 20180609 planted both Mexican Sour Gerhkin and Marketmore in S sq...

Tropaeolaceae: Tropaeolum majus

20180528 planted Tropaeolaceae: Tropaeolum majus High mowing blend between Tromboncino 20171118 Country farm and home seed sale (75%off) Tropaeolaceae: Tropaeolum majus Nasturtium blend high mowing seats seeds 1/8 oz 20170410 Park Seed $20.18 Park's...