LONG-DAY/SHORT-DAY: Onions are photoperiodic plants. They regulate their stages of growth by the duration of the light/dark cycle at the particular time of the year they are growing. The onion plant will make top growth until the critical light duration is reached, and bulbing begins. The amount of growth and development prior to bulbing will determine the bulb size. Long-day varieties need to be planted as early as possible in the spring to obtain sufficient growth prior to the longest day, when they begin to bulb. Short-day varieties need to be fall planted to obtain enough growth to make a large bulb earlier in the year when the days are shorter. The dividing line between short-day and long-day varieties is generally accepted as 36° latitude, roughly along the Kansas/Oklahoma border. Plant long-day varieties north of this line and short-day varieties south of it. Recent breeding efforts have developed day-neutral varieties. Day-neutral and intermediate-day onions can be grown successfully anywhere.

9.75 half pound bulb seed http://www.rareseeds.com/i-itoi-onions/ (shallot like mild onion, heavy producer)