20180112 I am delighted to find that six of the seven chestnuts (American Chinese hybrids) that i have been stratifying in my fridge have sprouted. I’ve planted those and pawpaw seeds in starting planters for more winter stratification. [Defintiely more than 10!]
Our strain is grown from seed originally from the Corwin Davis collection of which much of the seed was collected from improved grafted and wild selections found in the most northern part of its range here in Michigan. This strain is the most northern form found in the U.S. Our planting was started in 1988 and has grown to include other northern Illinois plants known for their large fruit size, flavor and productivity. All pawpaws need two genetically different plants to set fruit. (This is what we provide.)
20170717 Stratification went well but greenhouse cooked the seeds. Try again.
Shenandoah Weight: 1 pkt (12 seeds) Collection Locale: Maryland; Crop Year: 2016
Scarification: Soak in water, let stand in water for 24 hours.
Stratification: cold stratify for 90 days.
Germination: sow seed 3/4" deep, tamp the soil, mulch the seed bed.

..Selected seed from our orchard of 250 trees, .... Sizes available - 1 gal. (1 yr. old) $11.95, 3 gal. (3 yrs. old) $29.95, 7 gal. (8 yrs. old) $79.95
Collins 4-5’ Tall $19.95 + Eastern 3-4’ Tall $14.95 Ships 11/10/2016
Shenandoah, Sunflower, and others
Grafted trees: $39.00 / 3 gallon, $45.00 / 5 gallon
Selected seedlings: $20.00 / 1 gal., $30.00 / 3 gal.
Wynn Dinnsen, 2125 Jay Shambley Rd., Pittsboro, N.C. 27312
p 56 Cullina, William. Native Trees, Shrubs, & Vines: A Guide to Using, Growing, and Propagating North American Woody Plants. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2002.
Propagation easy from seed, need shade, container because of taproot
p 85 Justice