Cardamine hirsuta L.
Hairy Bittercress
lamb's cress, land cress, hoary bitter cress, spring cress, flick weed, and shot weed (or lambscress, landcress, hoary bittercress, springcress, flickweed, and shotweed). Some of these common names may be shared with other plants in the Brassicaceae family and are therefore of limited usefulness -- wp Common Name(s): Flick weed, Hairy bittercress, Hoary bittercress, Lamb's cress, Land cress, Pepperweed, Shot weed, Snapweed - NCSU
The tiny flowers are attractive to a few early butterflies, including (in the United States) spring azure (Celastrina ladon) and falcate orange-tip (Anthocharis midea).
20180218 more blooming. Weed whacked.
20180211 noted a few blooming. Not as pervasive as last year,
2017112x Sprouting everywhere again.
Seed capsules EXPLODE when brushed against.
20170227 Still blooming
201702xx have weed whacked some, pull up when i can. Trying to keep from going to seed.
20170116 growing in back yard plus.
Duration:Annual (Winter annual)
Growth Habit:Forb/herb
Native Status:CAN I, HI I, L48 I