Caryophyllaceae: Stellaria media (chickweed)
Stellaria media (L.) Vill. subsp. media
common chickweed
Duration:Annual, Perennial
Growth Habit:Forb/herb
Native Status:AK I, CAN I, HI I, L48 I
ALME5Alsine media L.
STAP3Stellaria apetala Ucria ex Roem.
STMEP2Stellaria media (L.) Vill. var. procera Klett & Richt.
20180211 a few near the front apple tree blooming, in general seems less pervasive than last years carpeting of the septic area
20170226 Some blooming
20170116 Much growing in cleared septic area. Just put a huge pile of the stuff in the compost pile. Plenty remains - not listed
Non-native: Europe
This plant may be causing problems in natural areas outside its native range, according to authorities such as:
- Kentucky Exotic Pest Plant Council, 2013
- Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation, 2014
This cool season annual plant is sometimes considered a weed. It has light green round with a pointy tip opposite leaves and star-shaped white flowers with five petals that are divided so it looks like ten. It is edible and is also a food source for poultry. Seeds germinate in late fall to winter forming dense green mats. It sets flowers and seeds at the same time and can spread rapidly. It can be confused with other plants that look similar but is distinguished by having hairs on only one side of the stem and hairs on the sepals.