20180528 planted Cucurbitaceae: Cucumis melo var. reticulatus Minnesota Midget at ends of NW border (hilled clay from potato trench)
20170813 sprayed remaining S end mellons for Powdery mildew on cucubits
20170708 Planted four seeds in S square, N most row, at the west end . The June seedlings seem to be slowly taking.
20170617 planted out in garden - one triple near SW corner, one pair between the yellow squash, one pair in the HK.
Melon Muskmelon/Cantaloupe Minnesota Midget
https://www.botanicalinterests.com/products/view/3141/ 60-70 days. A delightful little melon! Shortvines require less garden spaceto produce sweet, 4-inchmelons. Can be grownanywhere but specially suitedto areas with a short growingseason. Great in containers. Plants are fusarium wiltresistant.