Gold Star (F1) Squash Seed - Intermediate resistance to cucumber mosaic virus and powdery mildew -[30 seeds 4.25 s/h $4
Organic Success PM Yellow Summer Squash Long season harvest because of Powdery mildew resistant and strong non-preference of cucumber beetles in Cornell’s squash trails. 25seeds $3.69 s/h $2.95
20170813 sprayed to fight Powdery mildew on cucubits
20170729 noticed Powdery mildew on the yellow squash. Burnt the leaves (since i was doing a burn at the time) Still some present: need to pick a spray remedy. (Milk, baking soda, & dish soap!)
20170709 Have been getting tons and tons of squash
20170708 Planted four seeds in S square, N most row, at the east end
20170411 planted in plot on South border bed
201703xx Bill gave me squash (i assume yellow squash) and cukes and peppers.