20180218 planted around the south arc of the wildflower circle
20170717 seed may have been mixed with L. nanus planted at clowderwood 2017
L. bicolor Lindl. MINIATURE LUPINE
Annual (may live 2 seasons in North Coast), 1–4 dm, hairy. Leaf: petiole 1–7 cm; leaflets 5–7, 10–40 mm, 1–5 mm wide, occasionally linear, adaxially generally ± glabrous. Inflorescence: 1–8 cm, flowers in (0)5 whorls; peduncle 3–10 cm; pedicels 1–3.5 mm; bract 4–6 mm. Flower: 4–10 mm; calyx upper lip 2–4 mm, deeply lobed, lower 4–6 mm; petals generally blue (light blue, pink, or white), banner spot white, in age magenta, keel ± white, generally pointed, upper margins generally ciliate near tip. Fruit: 1–3 cm, generally 3–6 mm wide, hairy. Seed: 5–8.
2n=48. Abundant. Open or disturbed areas; < 1600 m. California Floristic Province, Mojave Desert; to British Columbia, Baja California; naturalized in Arizona. Highly variable, needs study; named subspecies and varieties ± indistinct in geography, morphology. Vigorous plants with larger flowers may be confused with Lupinus nanus. Mar–Jun [Online Interchange]
Lupinus bicolor Lindley
Annual Lupine, Bicolored lupine, Lupine, miniature lupine
Lupinus bicolor, a dicot, is an annual or perennial herb that is native to California and is also found outside of California, but is confined to western North America.
Communities:Coastal Strand, Northern Coastal Scrub, Closed-cone Pine Forest, Douglas-Fir Forest, Yellow Pine Forest, Red Fir Forest, Lodgepole Forest, Mixed Evergreen Forest, Foothill Woodland, Valley Grassland, Joshua Tree Woodland
Habitat:coastal [Walker]
Toxicity:MAJOR [California Poison Control System 2010]
Elevation:between 0 and 8500 feet
Related:See a list of other species in the genus Lupinus found in California.
Accepted by TJM2 + PLANTS + JM93
Other Names:
ICPN:Lupinus congdonii
ICPN:Lupinus polycarpus
ICPN:Lupinus rostratus
ICPN:Lupinus sabulosus
ICPN:Lupinus umbellatus
Bloom Period
20131129: i read this as all state park zones
region 1, region 2, region 3, region 4, region 5, region 6, region 7, region 8, region 9, region 10, region 11, region 12, JP:CA-FP, JP:D:DMoj, JP:D:DMtns