20180325 planted peas in N square middle bed with lattice for supports
20170806 started both types in new starting tray.
3 rows High Mowing Oregon Sugar Pod II Snow Pea Fabaceae: Pisum Sativum
4 rows: Plantation Products Green Arrow Pea Fabaceae: Pisum Sativum
20170324 … Added peas (probably snow peas) to the HK where there are gaps in the plants. (Herbivory?) … Peas still short and not yet reaching toward fence
20170218 Made a "fence" for the peas to climb with autumn olive "whips".
20170123 - planted peas
20170121 Country Farm & Home
1oz High Mowing Oregon Sugar Pod II Snow Pea Fabaceae: Pisum Sativum
$1.79 14g Plantation Products Green Arrow Pea Fabaceae: Pisum Sativum

Improved with increased disease resistance and delicious tender pods.

Highly productive variety produces smooth, stringless pods on true dwarf plants averaging 24-30" tall. Pods are doubly borne for high yields and easy harvests. Strong disease resistance makes this an excellent choice for late summer-fall plantings.

Spring/fall crop
4" pods
Disease Resistance Key: FW: Fusarium Wilt, PEMV: Pea Enation Mosaic Virus, PM: Powdery Mildew, PSV: Pea Streak Virus

Seeding Depth Seeding depth: 1-2"
Plant Spacing Thin if desired to 2"
Row Spacing 1-1.5"
When to Sow: Direct seed as soon as soil can be worked in the spring. Seeds will germinate in soil temperatures as low as 40°F, although slowly. When soils are around 60°F, seeds will germinate more quickly. Hot, dry conditions adversely affect quality and yield, so it is advantageous to have the crop mature as early as planting schedules allow. In some regions, you can grow a successful fall crop by planting in late summer.

Days to Maturity: 65 - 70
Plant Characteristics:
• Shell
• Cool season
Fresh. Vines of 2 to 3 feet - yet don’t need support by a trellis - produce large pods containing 9 to 11 peas for shelling. Tolerant to downy mildew and fusarium wilt.