20170326 potted up wax myrtle seedlings
201703xx potted up 12 wax myrtle seedlings
20161026 Seed in saucer, sprayed with cleanser, rubbed between fingers hoping to remove the waxy layer. Rinsed four times with water that had just been boiling. Sprinkled in plastic takeaway container, over a layer of peat moss. Vermiculite on top. Applied cover.

M. caroliniensis is similar to wax myrtle, M. cerifera.
These plants' leaves and scent distinguish them: wax myrtle leaves have scent glands on both sides and are fragrant when crushed, bayberry has scent glands mainly on the leaf undersides and is not markedly fragrant. Bayberry and wax myrtle hybridize.[2][3][4]Myrica cerifera is similar to M. pensylvanica and M. caroliniensis. These plants' scent or fruits can distinguish them.[2][3]

Myrica cerifera L. Wax Myrtle, Southern Bayberry, Waxberry, Candleberry
This species also has several synonyms aside from the Myrica/Morella split: Cerothamnus pumilus, C. ceriferus, Myrica cerifera var. pumila, and Myrica pusilla.[1] Morella cerifera

Myrica caroliniensis P. Mill. 1768 : bayberry,southern bayberry, pocosin bayberry, and evergreen bayberry
Cerothamnus pensylvanicus (Loisel.) Moldenke
Myrica pennsylvanica Lam.
M. caroliniensis has several synonyms aside from the Myrica/Morella and M. pensylvanica splits: Myrica heterophylla, Cerothamnus caroliniensis, and Myrica heterophylla var. curtissii.

20160729ish Myricaceae: Myrica caroliniensis Cuttings taken from M&D's, 2-3 foot branches, rooting hormone & in spagnum moss 20160730ish. Despite misting early on, failed by 20160807. TRY SMALLER BRANCHES

Propagation by Cuttings

Cutting type: stem tip
Time of year to take cuttings: early Summer
Cutting maturity: semi-hardwood
Rooting hormone: IBA Quick Dip 5000 PPM
Rooting environment: intermittent mist

Recommended by Diana of the goat squad
  1. Opus27no2 has cuttings;
    1. does not want rose of sharon H. syriacus, does not want Gladiolus sp
    2. does want Cercis canadensis (eastern redbud) - possibly just cultivar 'Forest Pansy'
  2. tarziesgirl
    1. does not want rose of sharon H. syriacus, Gladiolus sp, or Cercis canadensis (eastern redbud)
  3. 4plantsonly
    1. does want Cercis canadensis (eastern redbud)