Driveway, east yard.
20170425 fairly certain i’ve plenty of common plantain and not the natives.

Lvs glabrous to very pubescent (downy) , petioles green (rarely w slight purple tinge), per Vascular Flora of the Carolinas.
Leaf Margin smooth OR wavy/crinkled smooth; sometimes irregularly toothed, wavy
leaves lack dark markings like those of blackseed plantain

The caterpillars of the butterfly Junonia coenia (Buckeye) and several species of moth (see Moth Table) feed on Plantago spp. (primarily the foliage). Other insect feeders include Dysaphis plantaginea (Rosy Apple Aphid), Dibolia borealis (Flea Beetle sp.), Gymnaetron pascuorum (Seedpod Weevil sp.), and Melanoplus bivittatus (Two-Striped Grasshopper). Cardinals, Grasshopper Sparrows, and probably other birds feed on either the seeds or seed capsules to a minor extent; the Ruffed Grouse occasionally eats the leaves.