No Dave’s Garden 20171218
Plant Patent Applied For
20171219 planted during a warm day (70°F), Drive island front arc
20171216 Big Bloomers large container for Drive island, center of arc
* Bloom Start To End: Early Summer - Late Summer
* Habit: Upright
* Plant Height: 2 ft 6 in - 3 ft
* Plant Width: 2 ft 2 in - 2 ft 6 in
  • Blooming earlier than other tall varieties, this vibrant hybrid adds a bold punch of color to the middle or back of the border. The thick, mildew-resistant foliage keeps its fresh green color all season. PPAF
  • Opening up to 3 weeks earlier than most phlox, this floriferous and mildew resistant variety presents dense clusters of lavender pink blooms over a lengthy season. The candy-colored blooms sit atop tall, elegant stalks rising above clean, verdant foliage. Ideal for the cutting garden and for livening up the back of borders, this Phlox is just the burst of fun, full-throated color interest your garden's been waiting for.
  • This new Hybrid Phlox blooms earlier than the typical Tall Garden Phlox (Phlox paniculata), starting about 2-3 weeks earlier than the typical Phlox. ‘Fashionably Early Flamingo’ is a taller variety of Hybrid Phlox that will work best for the middle to back of the border. In addition to being early blooming, it boasts a long season of color. Perfectly defined panicles of light lavender pink flowers bloom prolifically well into midsummer with some rebloom in fall. Broad, thick, bright green foliage stays beautiful all season. Each member of the Fashionably Early series has exceptional mildew resistance, thick leathery leaves, and a stoloniferous habit (as opposed to the tightly clumping P. paniculata types).