20170529 Seed starting activities few remaining seed sown in flat
2017050x planting in garden didn't seem to take
Grows best in full sun, but plants are tolerant of some shade; Prefers a well-drained, moist soil rich in organic matter; A first harvest can be taken about 6 weeks after planting cuttings, or 8 - 9 weeks after sowing the seed. Seed - sow in situ or in a lightly shaded position in a nursery seedbed. Germination takes place within 7 days and young plants should be planted out within another 5 weeks
Considered a perennial in warmer zones it is grown as an annual in zones 7 and above. This plant is stunning lime green leaves that are elliptic or obobate with a smooth margin. These arise in small clump that can reach two feet in diameter. In early summer it sends up tall red much branched stems that bear small pink bowl shaped flowers continuously throughout the summer and right up to the frost. Flowers open later in the day, so early morning if often appears as if the plant is not flowering. Flowers are followed by small shinny red globular pods which look like a red haze hanging over the plant. Globes finally turn grey and spring open to disperse seeds. Produces large tubers that can be lifted and stored in colder areas. Roots are reported hardy to zone 7.
Location and Care
Prefers a full sun location but can tolerate a small amount of shade for part of the day. Does well in hot dry areas but benefits from some watering but can be drought tolerant for several weeks at a time. Does best in sandy and well drained soils and is tolerant of poor soils and heat. Excellent for rock gardens and hot areas where not to much else grows.
The lime green leaves brighten up any garden and it makes a wonderful border plant or addition to any flower garden. Will reseed itself once established, just thin out the seedlings or transplant to where you want them. If reseeding is undesirable dead head as seeds form. Sadly seeds usually form on same stalks that are still flowering so this is often hard to do.
Does well as a pot plant and is excellent on hot sunny decks where the lime green leaves provide an appearance of coolness.
Seeds are very small so although they can be sown directly outside keeping weeds from the bed while the germinate can be difficult. Indoor germination is recommended. If choose to sow outside do so 2-4 weeks after first frost date when soil is warm.
Start 6-8 weeks before last frost date in good potting soil, in flats or plug cells. Germination is easy and usually begins within 6-14 days depending on temperature and other conditions. Best temps between 65-75°F. Do not cover the seeds as light aids germination.
Transplant to small pots and grow on until small plants, harden off before transplanting out. Do so on a cloudy day with likelihood of rain to ensure plant can establish itself well. Since planting in a hot sunny location plants need to be watered well until established.