Malvaceae: Abelmoschus esculentus (okra)

The word Abelmoschus is latinized from the Arabic and means father of musk. It is easy to see how it was derived from abu-el-misk (or abu-i-misk, abu-l-mosk, and many other spelling variants). The name's meaning hints at the smell of the seeds.Abelmosc...

Fagaceae: Castanea dentata hybrids (chestnut)

20180112 I am delighted to find that six of the seven chestnuts (American Chinese hybrids) that i have been stratifying in my fridge have sprouted. I’ve planted those and pawpaw seeds in starting planters for more winter stratification. 20170926 2017 ...

Celastraceae: Euonymus americanus 20180121 planted in flat 20180111 began soaking 2017091x: took seeds from tree opposite L’s drive way see - About juglone ...

Passifloraceae: Passiflora spp. (Passionflowers)

As a host plant, this article notes non-native P caerulea will be accepted as a Gulf Fritillary host plant, while the red non-native P racemos is poisonous to caterpillars. More notes on Passiflora spp as host here.